lundi 11 août 2014

Blue Monday Show & BMM Show together for one afternoon! Here is the playlist!

   Pix:  Ale: Blue Monday Show & Céline: BMM Show!

- Growlers: "Good Advice"

- Violent Femmes: "Gone Daddy Gone"

- The Legendary Tigerman: "Twenty Flight Rock"

- Hanni El Khatib: "Dead Wrong"

- Angel Olsen: "Sweet Dreams"
(Live on the 12th of August @Exit07 - Congés Annulés 2014!)

- Alela Diane: "Pirate's Gospel"

- Chelsea Wolf: "Feral Love"
(Live on the 14th of August @Exit 07 - Congés Annulés 2014!)

- Maxence. "Queen For A Day"

- Grimes: "Oblivion"

- Devendra Banhart: "Carmencita"

- Plasticines: "Barcelona"

- Anita Drake: "Crawling On The Ground"

- Tyler The Creator: "Tamalé"

Voici le podcast de l'émission ===> ici

La vidéo du jour: Maxence. "Queen For A Day"

    Crédit vidéo: Directed by Alexis J.Alma

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