jeudi 9 janvier 2014

Playlist n°150! Fabrice's Playlist!

Dave Grohl‘s Documentary – Sound City: Real to Reel
Crédit photo: Dave Grohl‘s Documentary: Sound City
 Real to Reel (Sources:

Bonjour à tous!

Voici la playlist de la semaine avec l'ami Fabrice!

- Bertrand Cantat: "Ma Muse"

- Yodelice: "Fade Away"

- Julien Doré: "Paris Seychelles"
(Live on the 27th febuary @Philharmonie by Rockhal)

- Tricky: "Valentine"

- Robert Levon Been, Dave Grohl, Peter Hayes: "Heaven and All" ('Sound City' O.S.T)

- The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster: "So Long Goodnight"

- Rome feat Jack White & Norah Jones - : "Two Against One"

- The Warlocks: "Silver & Plastic"

- Monster Magnet:"Paradise"

- Trentmoller: "Whise Flesch"

- Belair Polo Club: "The Old & Sunny Time"

La vidéo du jour:  - Rome feat Jack White & Norah Jones - : "Two Against One"

 Crédit vidéo:  Directed by Chris Milk & Anthony Francisco Schepperd

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