Crédit photo: Toybloid album cover. Their first EP will be release on november 4th! /
12 NOV / PARIS / FLECHE D’OR infos
25 NOV / PARIS / MAROQUINERIE / 1ère partie de ELECTRIC SIX infos
See you tonight @Rockbox for 9pm sharp! Be there les amis! Stay tuned!
Bonjour à tous!
Voici la playlist de la semaine!
Enjoy & see ya next week pour la rediff du BMM Show spécial Manchester Part I!
- Taken By Trees: "To Lose Someone"
- Beirut: "Nantes"
- The Fratellis: "Chelsea Dagger"
(Live on the 14th of december @Atelier)
- Placebo: "Begin The End"
- Toybloid: "Tt t t turn me on"
- Deap Vally: "Gonna Make My Own Money"
- White Town: "Your Woman"
- Arcade Fire: "The Suburbs"
- Tricky: "Overcome"
- Simian Mobile Disco: "Audacity Of Huge"
- Noblesse Oblige: "The Great Electrifier"
(Live tomorrow night @Rockbox! Be there!)
- T-Rex: "Get It On"
- AC/DC:
- The Pixies: "Bone Machine"
(Live on the 11th of november @Rockhal!)
La vidéo du jour: Deap Vally: "Gonna Make My Own Money"
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