jeudi 10 mars 2011

Playlist n°45 Black Record's playlist!

Pix: Triggerfinger the Band (Sources:

Bonjour à tous!
Voici la playlist du jeudi 10/03/2011!
Avec Fabrice de Black Records à la programmation musicale!

- Queens Of The Stone Age : "Regula John"

- Triggerfinger: "All This Dancin' Around"

- Triggerfinger: "I'm coming For You"

- Funeral Party: "New York City Moves To The Sound Of L.A"

- Deftones: "Wax & Wane" (Cocteau Twins Cover)

- The Joy Formidable: "Austère"

- The Sunshine Underground: "Coming To Save You"

- The Sunshing Underground: "Spell It Out"

- Interpol: "Lights"

- Crystal Fighters: "I Love London"

- Funeral Party: "Just Because"

- The Drums: "Let's Go Surfin'"

- Queens Of The Stone Age: "You Can't Quite Me Baby"

La vidéo du jour: The Drums: "Let's Go Surfing"

Crédit Vidéo: Cooperative Music / Pias

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