jeudi 22 mai 2014

Playlist n°169! Fabrice's Playlist!

   Pix: Radio Mitsounette! Don't Miss the set @Rocas!

Bonjour à tous!
Voici la playlist de la semaine avec l'ami Fabrice!

- Wovenhand: "Long Horn"

Triggerfinger: "Splendor In The Grass"

Triggerfinger: "Black Panic"

- The Horrors: "So Now You Know" 

- The Afghan Whigs: "Parked Outside"

- The Afghan Whigs: "Algiers"

- The Black Keys:  "Fever" 

- The Black Keys:  "Gotta Get Away"

- Dum Dum Girls. "Are You Okay?" 
(Live on the 25th of May @Rockhal!)

- Kaiser Chief. "Misery Company"

- Brave Black Sea: "Brave Black Sea"

. Wovenhand: "Good Shepherd"

La vidéo du jour:  The Black Keys:  "Fever" 

    Crédit vidéo: Directed by Theo Wenner //

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